Jacques team 2024

Price List of the Doves Dental Clinic

A comprehensive price list is posted in the office If you have a medical card and are at least 16 years old, many treatments are free of charge.

If you have PRSI cover, you can get a free check-up every year and also a discount of €42 for teeth cleaning.

The Doves Dental Surgery, Church Road, Nenagh, PRIVATE FEES, October 2024

Check-up, including prescriptions, without X-rays€50
Small X-ray€20
Check-up (incl. perscriptions) + 1 X-Ray.€70
Check-up (incl. perscriptions) + 2 X-Rays.€90
Scaling and polishing(cleaning). Regular€50
Scaling and polishing(cleaning). Longer time €57
Assessment of the health of the gums (periodontal charting) €100
Deep cleaning under local anesthesia, 2 or 3 sessions. (incl. scaling & polishing)€150
Surgical extraction of an impacted wisdom (tooth not visible) €250
Surgical extraction of any other tooth€200
Gingivectomy, per tooth€60
Crown lengthening, per tooth€200
Lancing of an abcess€40
Filling (depending on size)€90, €110 or €150
Dentin pinAdditional €25
Screw postAdditional €90
Medium-term dressing before a deep filling€60
Root canal treatment€300 per canal
Redo a root treatment from another practice€350 per canal
Cost per visit, if the patient opts out before the end of the treatment€140
Disinfection visit, when treatment resumes lateAdditional €70
Apicectomy of an upper incisor€350
Pulpotomy of a baby tooth + filling on top€200
Crowns & bridges
Crown (porcelain)€800
Composite Crown€300
Ceramic Onlay / Inlay€500
Post-Crown, or Post & Core + Crown€950
Conventional Bridge€800 per unit (post & cores, €150 extra each)
Maryland bridge with one unit€900
Each extra unit on the Mary land bridge€700
Re-cement old crown€80
Re-cement old conventional bridge, per unit€80
Re-cement old Maryland bridge€120
Temporary crown or temporary post-crown€150
Porcelain veneer€430
Stainless steel crown over baby tooth.€120
Cutting away an old crown or bridge€50
Partial acrylic denture€370 plus €20 per tooth
Chrome-cobalt denture€800 plus €20 per tooth
Full upper or full lower denture€550
Full upper and lower dentures€1,100
Denture repair€60
Addition of tooth/teeth on denture€60 plus €20 per tooth
Addition of a clasp on denture€60 plus €20 per clasp
Reline upper or lower full denture€150
Reline upper and lower full dentures€300
Cleaning of a denture, per denture€30
Smiler€180 +€20 per tooth.
Teeth straightening for adolescents & adults
Invisalign, one arch plus one plastic Essix retainer.€2600
Invisalign, two arches plus two plastic Essix retainers.€3950
Invisalign PLUS, 1 arch +1 plastic Essix retainer.€2950
Invisalign PLUS, 2 arches + 2 plastic Essix retainers.€4450
Invisalign EXPRESS, 1 arch +1 plastic Essix retainer.€1500
Invisalign EXPRESS, 2 arches + 2 plastic Essix retainers.€2000
Vivera Retainer, 1 arch€390
Vivera Retainer, 2 arches€550
Wire retainer for front teeth after braces€250
Clear retainer after braces€120
Other treatments
Re-modelling of teeth (by grinding), per tooth€20
Composite veneer€230
Fissure sealant€50
Acrylic night guard (for bruxism)€300
Bleaching tray€120
Tube of bleaching gel€12
Composite splint after avulsion of tooth (teeth), per unit.
Example: one tooth avulsed, 3-unit splint, price to include re-implantation of the tooth/teeth and the removal of the splint. (€300)
Treatment of bleeding, with sutures, after extraction in another practice€100
Treatment of a dry socket, per visit, after extraction in another practice€50
Somnowell anti-snoring device in chrome-cobalt€2,600
Fluoride Varnish€25
Legal report€250
Court witness appearance€1000
No show, or cancellation less than 1 hour before the appointment time.additional €70
After-hours call outadditional €70

Phone us to ask a question or schedule an appointment.